This static page charts my bodyweight over time. The chart is stored in Google Docs and updates in real-time (well, whenever I update the Google Doc, that is).

Here’s how to set up your own page

  1. Create the chart
    1. Create a spreadsheet in Google Docs
    2. Add two columns: Date and Weight
    3. Select the data
    4. Choose Insert > Chart… from the menu
    5. On the Charts tab, choose “Line”, then “Line Chart”
    6. On the Customize tab, change the chart title and axes titles
    7. Click Insert button
  2. Publish the chart
    1. Click on the little “down arrow” on the top right of the chart. You have to click on the chart first to make this visible.
    2. Choose “publish chart” from the drop-down menu
    3. Select “Image” as the publish format
    4. Copy the HTML text into the clipboard
  3. Embed the chart
    1. Paste the HTML text into your webpage.